50 How To's

1.       How to open a can ^
2.       How to shuck corn
3.       How to cook beans
4.       How to make instant ramen ^
5.       How to finger paint ^
6.       How to make origami
7.       How to pitch a ball
8.       How to walk your dog ^
9.       How to change a diaper
10.   How to write a book
11.   How to write poetry
12.   How to punch
13.   How to make matcha tea
14.   How to hem pants
15.   How to kill a fly ^
16.   How to kiss
17.   How to paint a mountain ^
18.   How to enjoy abstract art
19.   How to give a good handshake ^
20.   How to give a good speech ^
21.   How to punch a pickle
22.   How to kiss a kite
23.   How to levitate to that thing on fire in the sky
24.   How to get back Stacey
25.   How to impress my parakeet ^
26.   How to frame a lizard for murder ^
27.   How to frame grandma for murder ^
28.   How to lose my pants
29.   How to gain the trust of a bean ^
30.   How to tell corn to piss off
31.   How to love again, Stacey please
32.   How to be cooler than my wife’s boyfriend
33.   How to open like an umbrella
34.   How to get the stray pineapple out of my fridge ^
35.   How to get my cat to pay rent ^
36.   How to throw a squirrel
37.   How to sing with your knees
38.   How to play with fire
39.   How to catch the moon ^
40.   How to shower in the sing
41.   How to become a banana ^
42.   How to be three peas in a pod with real peas ^
43.   How to live with a skeleton in your closet ^
44.   How to dispose of everything BUT the trash ^
45.   How to throw yourself a party
46.   How to make your life into a romcom
47.   How to peel chickens
48.   How to please the sea-sponge in the toilet
49.   How to sleep with the fishes ^
50.   How to ask my neighborhood bully to read me a bedtime story
